Tag Archives: Videogames

Leona Lewis – My Hands (Final Fantasy XIII Official Theme Song) / Final Fantasy XIII US & UK Release Date – March 9th 2010

16 Nov

Chances are, if you’ve come to lookat this post then you’ve no doubt already heard the news about Leona Lewis being the officially selected singer for the up coming Final Fantasy XIII theme song. Before I mention the song, the singer, the company and all that stuff. What? What?! Whaaa? I’m so… confused. Why? Why Squenix? Why would you do this? I know you are trying to appeal to the Western audience like Fergie tries to sing and look vaguely human, but what? Really? Leona Lewis? Right…

Leona Lewis is, bless her, a great singer. She can sing songs that are out of the range of most other pop singers at the moment and she might have one of the greatest songs of her generation, but what? Why? I just don’t understand it. Why pick someone who has probably never heard of Final Fantasy or even played a videogame? Could be totally wrong and she might love Aeris and co more than me, but I highly doubt this. Likewise, her performances are just weird… She sings amazing, but it never looks like she really connects to the song.

Now, for the song. The song is actually a bit of a grower, which is a plus. But the lyrics are just a bit weird… I mean… they just don’t seem to fit the lofty, convoluted narratives of Final Fantasy songs. We need more tragic, forelorn lyrics. Granted, the lyrics actually do get a bit grandiose during the chorus, but the beginning is very… ‘real’ and not very ‘fantasy’; if that makes sense?

Anyways, I think Squenix are making some very strange choices trying to appeal to the Western market. They’ve openly said they have every intention of expanding business in the US and Pal terrortories, I just don’t think they’re going about it the best way. Everything is very… electro-pop, pseudo do androis dream of electric sheep? The summons look like Transformers. The English voice acting is horrific. And when they have promo videos like this little gem, then you just scratch your head and think what?

Here’s a video of Leona’s My Hands. It’s not as bad as I first reacted to, but it is still very wtf.

Here’s the lyrics too, it’s just such an odd choice…

I wake in the morning
Tired of sleeping
Get in the shower
And my make my bed alone
I put on my make up
Talk into the mirror
Ready for a new day without you
And I walk steady on my feet
I talk my voice obeys me

I go out at night
Sleep without the lights
And I do all of the things I have to
Keeping you on my mind
But when I think I’ll be alright
I am always wrong cause

My hands, don’t wanna start again
My hands, no they don’t wanna understand
My hands, they just shake it try to break whatever piece I may find
My hands, they only agree to hold
Your hands, and they don’t wanna be without
Your hands, and they will not let me go
No they will not let me go

I talk about you now
And I do without crying
I go out with my friends now
I stay home all alone
And I don’t see you everywhere
And I can say your name easily
I laugh bit louder without you

And I see diferent shades now
And I, I’m almost never afraid now
But when I think I’ll be ok
I am always wrong cause

My hands, don’t wanna start again
My hands, no they don’t wanna understand
My hands, they just shake it try to break whatever piece I may find
My hands, they only agree to hold
Your hands, no they don’t wanna be without
Your hands, and they will not let me go
No they will not let me go

Sometimes I wait
I see them reaching out for you
Quietly break
whatever shields I spent so long building up
I cannot fake
Cause when they cry I’m almost broken
They miss holding my baby

My hands, My hands
No they don’t wanna understand
They just shake it try to break whatever piece I may find

My hands, the only agree to hold
Your hands, and they don’t wanna be without
Your hands
And they will not let me go
No they will not let me go
No they will not let me go

Final Fantasy Dissidia

12 Sep

So I recently got given Final Fatnasy Dissidia on the PSP by my boyfriend (<3). Awesomeness! He actually got me the Collector's Edition which is even more awesome! It's pretty fun, it's a bit like Super Smash Bros or an arena based fighting/mash em up but with RPG elements thrown in. I will say, it’s darn confusing. I have no idea what’s going on and the ingame tutorials are basically: “Hey! This is a really cool thing but it’s a bit complicated so only look it up if you want to” and then you go look it up and you’re none the wiser. I’m also a bit gutted that they don’t have my favourite characters in there (I mean, what happened to Yuna or Tifa or Ashe or Penelo. Granted, I can understand why Tifa might not be there as Cloud is very much the protagonist of FF7, but Yuna kicks Tidus’s butt anyday). It’s pretty cool and feels very immersive. I’m going to go play it now ^_^

Below is the intro fmv which I made me :O It’s pretty cool! Reminds me a lot of the Dead Fantasy fanvids. But with more boys.

Utada Hikaru Pwns Tetris

27 Aug

This is another reason why I love Utada Hikaru <3